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Do you have a business idea?

Discover if your business idea can succeed with our platform.

In less than 10 minutes, we help you evaluate the viability of your business and financial plans.

Check your possibilities quickly and easily!

How is the proccess?


You can easily create plans in less than 10 minutes


Each step of the business plan is easy to understand and apply


Regardless of knowledge of economic and financial issues

Analysis and results

In real time you can carry out as many scenarios as you want

  • 0 Your plan in less than 10 minutes | 0
  • 0 The fastest and easiest platform
Value added

What differentiates us from the competition ?

Our custom resources and analysis tools allow users to easily perform detailed assessments in minutes. You can create a business plan, a financial plan, or both, tailored to your specific needs. Where you can evaluate the different scenarios according to profitability, economic benefits, sales forecast.

Explore question
We accompany you throughout the process

Don't have experience in economics or finance?

No problem! Our platform is accessible to everyone, with tools designed to simplify the creation of business and financial plans, regardless of your level of experience. In a matter of minutes you will have your plan made.

Professional Tools


Customer support

Who is it addressed to?

  • Entrepreneurs

    People who are bringing their ideas to life and need information to develop an effective business plan.

  • SMEs

    Small and medium-sized companies seeking to optimize their profitability and obtain financing to grow.

  • Applicants

    People interested in exploring the viability of a business idea without having financial knowledge.

Benefits of using our platform

Know your profitability

Know if your business idea is profitable according to different levels of spending

Get Benefits

Know from what sales volume you will obtain profits

Recover your Investment

Know how many years you will recover your investment

Calculate your Expenses

Calculate the monthly expenses you will have


How does it work?

Complete our form, in a few minutes you will have it completed.
Receive a business plan, financial plan or both, which will be personalized along with a detailed profitability analysis.
Start making informed decisions for the success of your business!


Perfect Tool

I had never created a financial plan before, but this platform made it very easy and fast for me. You can see the expenses you were going to have and analyze from when you were going to make profits. Definitely a perfect tool for anyone who wants to start a business!

Laura Martinez
The Best Tool!

This platform helped me start my business with the option of a complete business and financial plan. It was super easy to use and gave me a lot of confidence. The best tool!

Carlos Alberto F
Highly Recommended

I used this platform to create a financial plan for my startup and was surprised at how easy it was. The tools they provide were very helpful, and the break-even analysis gave me a clear understanding of my expenses. Highly recommended for newbie entrepreneurs like me.

Mar Fernandez
A Total Success!

I am delighted. I used this platform to make my financial and business plan and it was a total success. Everything was so clear and easy to understand! It's definitely worth it.

Jose Luis
The Key to my Business

I used the Business Plan for my existing business and it helped me review and improve my business strategy. I was able to identify areas for improvement and set clear goals for the future. I will definitely continue using this platform!

Dario Pinar